Introducing Habatan,
Hyogo's Mascot


Name: Habatan / はばタン
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 2003/1/17
One of Habatan’s most striking characteristics is his yellow color. Don’t be deceived! Many assume that Habatan is a chick due to his color and cute appearance, but Habatan is actually a phoenix! Not born from an egg, but from the fires of the Great Hanshin Earthquake, Habatan symbolizes Hyogo’s stellar recovery and the perseverance of its community.
Habatan is known for his vibrant personality and ceaseless efforts to build his community!
Some activities Habatan can be found performing:
Serving as an Honorary Ambassador for Hyogo Tourism
Promoting Food Health and Safety
Raising awareness of the dangers of second-hand smoke
Promoting his local farms and food products
If you see Habatan, feel free to come up and take a picture! He cannot talk, but he is always thrilled to make new friends.