Hyogo has the longest sister-state relationship with the State of Washington since 1963. The 50th Anniversary of the sister-state relationship between Washington and Hyogo was celebrated in 2013. The welcome reception will be held for the delegation from Washington including Mr. Inslee, the Governor to foster the sister-state relationship for next fifty years. A standing-buffet style dinner is arranged.
Date: Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015
Time: 19:00-20:30 (Doors open at 18:30)
Place: Kobe Portopia Hotel
Address: 10-1, 6 Chome, Minatojima Nakamachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe
Phone Number: +81-78-302-1111
Capacity: up to 100 guests
Fee: 8,000 yen (cash payment on the day)
How to apply: submit the application form by fax or email by August 18th.
Reference: International Relations Division, Hyogo Prefectural Government Email: kokusaikoryu@pref.hyogo.lg.jp